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PARADISE IS A MINDSET, Dr. Justin Newman, Optimizing Human Performance

International Association of Alternative and Ancient Medicine presents: OPTIMIZING HUMAN PERFORMANCE, with Dr Justin Newman & Richard Rocha, founders of INVITAS. 

"There's such a a spectrum of of well-being and fulfillment some of it is very very tight and doesn't feel very um very good at all and yet there are nutrients in there that you need and some of it is like a paradise you know there are there are just as a side note there are many places in the world that seem to be very very um very challenging and difficult and treacherous and one particular area is in the Himalayas there's a whole valley called the Bamako valley which is a sacred valley between all of these these mountains and the Himalayas and there are temples hidden there and so on and you know many famous saints and yogis um of of ages past travel these these hills um and endure all kinds of hardship in the mountains snow and ice there are parts of the jungle where it's literally raining leeches onto your body right that doesn't sound like paradise at all and yet for them inside those challenges it's like a like a crucible a pressure cooker um so much so many nutrients are there to to for them to grow um all kinds of spiritual transformations happen when we're under pressure and they see a paradise other people look and see a treacherous but to their eyes is a paradise because within all of that is this opportunity to grow personally and spiritually if we're not under pressure we don't grow that much you know this is the reason people go to the gym right you can't go to the gym once and expect results you have to go in day after day so so um so about health and mindset a lot of it is it regards changing your point of view or changing your perception as to to where wellness and well-being can be found and the impact that my thoughts and my beliefs have on my own health and and my own well-being.

We feel our perception is only five senses but it seems the promise is that we're going to be increasing with time this new era more more sensitivity even develop more senses to really really grasp what's real the reality that we're in you know so there's always let's say a blessing a hidden blessing and everything even if we feel that we're in the mix of of chaos like we are experiencing right now absolutely yeah this is the time for us all to grow the most on one hand during this um the pandemic especially in the early days it was it was down time but down time doesn't have to be bad sometimes the connotation with a downtime can be bad but downtime can be like a nap or a weekend or winter you know there's a time for all of the energies to become quieter and still and to be refreshed and rejuvenated in that way and then re-calibrate it and and things bounce back you take a nap but then you come back this might be of course a deep deep and long and arduous travel through a darker not dark like bad but deeper down time but as things come back online people are connecting with each other and with themselves in a way that they didn't before and sure the world right now seems very polarized and it is but in the midst of that something new is emerging and I'm sure that something new beautiful is emerging the way that we can choose you know to go after what freedoms empowerment we have available to us, how we can choose to do this or that to um to to to take take charge of one's own health and well-being and a lot of it does start here in in our mind we of course gather data and all kinds of information this way but let's not risk making decisions only with our mind because there's only limited data sets that are available here to ourselves conceptually and intellectually you know if we make decisions here it's just like an analogy i use is if you were to look through a keyhole and you see the world through that keyhole you'll get some information but after a while we start to forget that there's all this other stuff out there and it's very risky if you're getting some information hey it's good that peace might be very helpful but it's limited by nature and you might misperceive or misunderstand the bigger picture or the story behind that story or what impact it has for you so we have to also engage our emotional brain we have to feel about things we have to allow ourselves to feel again so important we have to use our body brain we have a gut sense about things, our body knowingness about things our intuition comes from our body our uh we have a sense an intuitive knowing too and unless we onboard data and feelings and our sense intuition about things as it lines up to the world we're in we risk making very limited um choices for ourselves and and lining up to the world we're in in ways that might not be um geared toward our best interests you know so in a way look i joined you in the space the journey um in a way all these um confinement and all these uh situations we're in is pushing us to ask the the fundamental questions of existence we are like pushed to a point where we say what what is reality because there's actually people talking the reality with all the arguments like the only one and then you have you find an opposite reality and then you find another one and another one so the question is uh how to hang on to something to something real how would you somebody who's asking today this question for some reason they're listening to this how do i really uh you know stick to something that is that is not gonna let me down..."

INVITAS, Integrative Vital Solutions, is Miami’s exclusive center to offer regenerative medicine and wellness-enhancing solutions. Our comprehensive approach is designed to optimize the performance of mind, body, and the entire human being. Our team of healthcare professionals is comprised of experts in their respective fields. They represent the best of functional and holistic medicine, IV vitamin infusion therapy, acupuncture, therapeutic massage, hypnotherapy, and personalized wellness coaching.

Dr. Justin Newman Medical Director. 

Acupuncture & Holistic Medicine 

Richard Rocha IV 

Infusionist Regenrative 

Medicine Specialist Emergency Medical Technician ACLS 

8603 South Dixie Highway, Suite 217, 

Pinecrest, FL 33156 

Office (305) 663-5696 

Cell (786) 257-6848 




#heathisamindset #OptimizingHumanPerformance #DrJustinNewman #RichardRocha #kikeposada #INVITAS #IntegrativeVitalSolutions #ivinfusion #vitamininfusion #infusionvitaminas #invitasforlife #Acupuncture #Infusionist #banyanholistic #southmiami #pinecrest #cutlerroad #optimalperformance #nutrition #peakperformance #sportscience #HolisticMedicine #nutrition #wellness #nutritionresponsetesting #supplementsforweightgain #supplementsformusclegrowth #ivinfusionbygravity #IAMBULLYFREENOW   



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